
Red Spot Supplier Information
Welcome to the Supplier Information section of our website. Here you will find forms helpful in the set up of a new supplier. You can review our Supplier Handbook and if you have a change in a product we purchase from your company, you can fill out our required change form.
We view the customer and supplier relationship as a strategic “partnership”. We look forward to working closely with our vendors to ensure reliable supply, consistent quality, and exploring ways to control and reduce costs.
- Suppliers Handbook - Review this to understand our supplier expectations and terms & conditions.
- Banned and Controlled Substances List - Review to identify the substance whose use in materials and components are either prohibited or controlled.
- Handbook Acknowledgement - Submit a signed copy of this to our purchasing department once you have reviewed our Handbook
- New Product Quote Form - Complete this form when providing us with new product information such as pricing, leadtime, etc.
- Product Process Change Form - Send your Red Spot Procurement Agent this form anytime a change occurs with a product we purchase from you. If it is a specification change, manufacturing location change, name change, etc we will need to know.
- Minority Form - Some OEM’s require us to report minority source statistics.
- Material Certification Form - This is required for R&D and EHS to have for each product before we can purchase an item.
- W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID# and Certification - Tax document for all Suppliers.
Completed forms or general inquiries can be sent directly to your assigned Procurement Agent or use our Quick Contact Form below to contact us.